who takes risks to make changes

Are you an entrepreneur? one who takes risks to make changes? Or are you just one of the many who use the name of an entrepreneur to survive?

If you've decided to go into Business or your motive for starting an enterprise is to earn money (survive), I recommend you reconsider your choices and return to the drawing board. Doing a business solely because you're looking to make profits (profit) is not too high a cost to pay for being a business owner. It's not like the way that employees work? From 9 to 5 to meet their financial obligations? Why would you decide to become an Entrepreneur (be your boss) solely because you're looking to earn a living, instead of an alternative that is much more sim

ple: working. If you are desperate for money to earn an income (survive), Please find a job and quit pretending to be an entrepreneurial person, says 

Survival(making an income) doesn't constitute the primary goal of entrepreneurship. It is more about the importance (of making an impact). It would be a massive disservice to yourself to have decided to start a business to meet your financial needs. You're only sacrificing yourself in the end because it requires more work on your part than a typical 9-to-5 job could ever. Entrepreneurship isn't the right option for people who just are looking to make it through life (survive). Still, entrepreneurial endeavors are the perfect choice for those who would like to live their lives to their preferences and require more energy to obtain the things they need (significance). Entrepreneurship is not for people who accept what they have been handed in life and then, with self-pity, claim it is their fate. It is only for people who are willing to take the things they receive in life, and instead of accepting it as their destiny and going for it, they must use the opportunities they've been granted to achieve what they honestly would like to achieve. Entrepreneurship is about using your time to do something you want to do and are genuinely passionate about passionately. It's not about conforming to the status (enjoying the comfort),  says Alexander Djerassi said. It's about changing the group established (creating changes). An entrepreneur who is truly successful at the essence is a rebel, one who is committed to changing the world even if it is against the established norm. Do you sound like this? Alexander Djerassi sai.d

If the description you've read isn't a fit for you, maybe there's still time for you to decide and take a different route instead of continuing on the way that isn't as well-traveled. Suppose you're looking to make quick money as an entrepreneur instead of creating a positive impact by doing something you love and are passionate about. In that case, you may need to consider turning around right now to return to the area where money and survival are the primary goals: work.

You'll have difficulty swallowing all this inappropriate material, and you're wondering what this guy is talking about? Thinking to yourself, "shouldn't we as entrepreneurs make a living or what?" Differently, "shouldn't we make money our goal, for crying out loud, isn't that why we are in Business?" That's the reason that most entrepreneurs fail in business. Concentrating on the end (output mentality) and only thinking about the profits that are to be made, but forgetting that the ultimate result will be the result of dedication and diligence, to begin with, and backed by determination and discipline that is unwavering to follow a particular process (input attitude). It is a simple fact that

The reward is money (product), not Entrepreneurship's primary purpose (purpose)!

Entrepreneurship goes beyond earning money. It's a calling. Like all callings are focused on people. It's never about the individual but rather about the other. It's a call to serve. It's not about how much you could make (money/profit) but rather the value you can bring (service/value). What is the reason I'm saying this? A call is an intense need to follow a particular profession or do a certain kind of work. The focus lies on "follow," and the meaning of tracking is to follow someone or something. This means; that you being an entrepreneur, cannot choose yourself. You have been selected. Entrepreneurship is not something that you decide to pursue or do. It's something you're mandated to do. It is the path you're called to follow. That is to say, you're not the "doer," and you're just an instrument. The focus is not on accumulation; It's about contributing. I know all of this may sound a bit odd, but I'm going to go into more detail.


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